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Radio Group

A collection of checkable buttons known as radio buttons, each of which can only be checked once. which adheres to the WAI-ARIA Radio Group requirement.

Core Features​

  • Out of the box accessible
  • Keyboard interaction management


For individual installation of the radio-group component, you can use either of the commands below;

npm i @dorai-ui/radio-group


yarn add @dorai-ui/radio-group


The Change log of this component can be found here

Basic example​

Default value​

From the example above, "email" is the default value when the radio-group is rendered. You can also remove a default value by setting the initial value to an empty string ("")


The label component is tied to it's immediate parent component. The first label tag "How would you like to be contacted:" is related to the RadioGroup component itself, while Labels found in the Option tags are related and associated with it.

Checked render prop​

The checked state of a radio-group option is exposed through the render prop as shown below;

import { RadioGroup } from '@dorai-ui/radio-group'

const RadioGroupComp = () => (
{({checked}) => (
<RadioGroup.Indicator />
<RadioGroup.Label />


Components Composed​

import { RadioGroup } from '@dorai-ui/radio-group'

const RadioGroupComp = () => (
<RadioGroup.Indicator />
<RadioGroup.Label />


RadioGroup is the parent component for all other components, it exposes the context and is required.

value-values of the options tagsstringA required field of the initial state of the radio-group, or a default value of the radio-group
onChange--functionthe contolled state updater of the radio-group
as'div'HTML tagHTMLElementThis grants the ability to change the element this component should render as


A required component which exposes certain contexts to childen props and represents each option in the radio-group. It exposes the checked state of the group through a render prop.

value-stringThe value of the option tag when selected. It is a required field
as'div'HTMLElementThis grants the ability to change the element this component should render as
Render Props​
CheckedbooleanExposes the checked state of an option component


Label component. Out of the box, it is clickable and tied to the next immediate parent component.

as'label'This grants the ability to change the element this component should render as


The indicator component shows the checked state of the parent options using the data-checked=true attribute. This is useful in styling as demonstrated in the example above:

as'span'This grants the ability to change the element this component should render as